Some of the New Products on Show

Combined vibration and environmental test system
Labtone Test Equipment

Combined vibration and environmental testing is playing an increasingly important role in the automotive industry. Simulating the vehicle vibration environment in transportation and actual work to identify design defects and improve vehicle durability and reliability is vital for quality assurance in different stages of development.

The combined environmental test system comprises a test chamber and vibration test system. It applies different temperatures (high/low temperature), humidity, vibration (sine/random) and electrical stress to the sample for a pre-set time to carry out the ‘environmental simulation’ of temperature, humidity and vibration.

Compared with the single-factor test, this method can more truly simulate the transportation and use environment of the product. It is an important way of evaluating the adaptability of products to environmental changes, revealing product defects and assisting in the development, identification and mass production of new products.

See how Labtone meets this testing need at its booth in Stuttgart.

Booth 1448

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