Some of the New Products on Show

Data analytics and AI for improved product quality
Werum Software & Systems

A leading provider of IT solutions in the field of test data management, Werum Software & Systems has integrated data analytics and AI into its software to provide powerful new functions for product quality validation.

Werum's HyperTest Boost test data management platform supports seamless integration with JupyterLab, which enables data analysts to carry out in-depth analyses of the measurement data. The results are returned to HyperTest Boost to manage them in the context of the test.

The company also uses AI approaches based on large language models and deep neural networks, for example, to recognize patterns and anomalies in data sets, support optical data capture, extract data from test reports or find test data using natural language.

To effectively use the billions of measurement data available to improve product quality, Werum has designed a data analytics integration solution that overcomes departmental boundaries, conflates data silos and offers a fully automated workflow for data processing.

Find out more about Werum's systems at its booth in Stuttgart.

Booth 1322

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