Some of the New Products on Show

Test stand for adhesive bonding tests

AV R&D focuses on partial tests of bonded joints as well as the development of special testing equipment. During the implementation of partial tests, the idea of developing a universal device allowing tests according to the requirements of EN ISO 21368, DIN 2304-1, DIN 6701 and EN17460 emerged. As part of internal development, a special testing device with the type designation AV036/043 was created. This device integrates static and dynamic loading in combination with the requirements for the thermal resistance of bonded joints. It is also modular, allowing the selection of a configuration corresponding to the selected methodology for testing bonded joints.

The system allows interactive access via PC interface to define tests and monitor their parameters. The device can be used for the validation of bonded joints according to DIN 6701 and EN 17460, as well as for the development of bonded joints under customer-defined loading.

Parameters of AV 036/043 include static force up to 20kN; dynamic force up to 10kN; frequency of loading up to 20Hz; loading speed 0.1-20mm/min; and temperature -40°C to +120°C.

AV R&D develops and delivers special testing equipment in accordance with the standards of its acquired certifications. Find out more at its booth.

Booth 1188

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