Some of the New Products on Show

Measure 500+ temperature points with one cable

Exact knowledge of thermal behavior and temperature curves is particularly important for the development of high-performance high-voltage battery systems. The acquisition of temperatures between cells and other vital points throughout the battery must be done safely to protect personnel and equipment. Often this is done at several hundred points at the same time.

CSM will be displaying its HV DTemp measurement system, which was developed for the accurate, digital and thus interference-free acquisition of up to 512 temperature measurement points via a single cable connection to the HV DTemp-P central unit, without the need for further modification of the battery housing. The complete system, which is HV-safe up to 1,000V DC, offers a measurement accuracy of ±0.1°C to ±0.25°C, allowing for exact tracking of temperature curves.

The very small temperature sensors can be applied precisely yet flexibly using a variety of methods, including using an ultra-thin, flexible circuit that can be customized for specific applications. The compact, robust design allows measurements to be taken at all levels (cell, module, battery). The system is suitable for use on test benches and in vehicles for road tests.

Booth 1414

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