Some of the New Products on Show

Turnkey DAQ solutions for vehicle dynamics and in-cabin acoustics
Axiometrix Solutions

Axiometrix Solutions offers advanced test solutions for road tests and test bench evaluations of electric vehicles and components. The company’s test solutions offer precision at every step, helping to validate and optimize prototypes, facilitate process monitoring and give insights from measurement data, thereby accelerating project timelines and improving product quality. The imc WFT-Cx wheel force transducer and the GRAS microphones provide excellent accuracy and meet complex testing needs.

The imc WFT-Cx wheel force transducer offers precise, robust, easy handling for vehicle dynamics testing, wheel force and torque measurement, mobile load data acquisition (RLDA) and torque vectoring tests. Its seamless integration into a modular DAQ system, alongside other sensors, ensures comprehensive and synchronized data recording, simplifying test setups.

Gras measurement microphones are useful for a wide range of acoustic testing in EV, HEV and ICE vehicles. From standardized tests to in-cabin noise assessments and braking noise evaluations, these microphones ensure superior sound quality analysis. The Gras 46BL-1 ¼ microphone offers industry-leading low self-noise and is endorsed by the Audio Engineering Society (AES).

See these solutions for yourself at Axiometrix Solutions' booth.

Booth 1446

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