Some of the New Products on Show

Shock test chamber with fixed test chamber

To ensure the feasibility of shock tests with very heavy test specimens, ThermoTEC has an energy-efficient single-chamber shock chamber in its TSA series (air-to-air) for three-zone shock tests with a fixed test chamber without mechanical impact (vibration, acceleration) on the test specimens. This reduces possible sources of error during the test and makes external control and supply much easier.

The temperature shock test chambers in the TSA series can be used to perform two- and three-zone shock tests. The temperature range extends from -70°C to +200°C and, depending on the model, up to +300°C (optional). Thanks to the new eco mode (AI control), the system heats or cools optimally and therefore has a high energy efficiency.

Talk to representatives at the ThermoTEC booth to find out more.

Booth 1384

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