汽车测试及质量监控博览会(中国)(Testing Expo China – Automotive)是引领世界的国际博览会,展示汽车测试、开发和验证技术的各个方面,每年在上海举行,并在底特律和斯图加特举办年度姊妹展会。在中国——与其他地方一样——它是展示面向整车、零部件和系统开发的各种技术和服务的领先盛会,涵盖ADAS(高级驾驶辅助系统)和自动驾驶汽车测试、电动和混合动力总成测试、电池和续航里程测试、EMI(电磁干扰)和NVH(噪声、振动和舒适性)测试及分析,以及所有其他测试和验证技术。
汽车测试及质量监控博览会(中国)将于2025年8月27、28和29日在中国上海世博展览馆举行,展会期间将举办高层面对面讨论和实物演示。 。
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A celebration event has been held to mark 20 successful years of quality and performance testing at the Hyundai America Technical Center Inc. California Proving Ground (HATCI CPG) in the USA. Since opening in 2005, more than 5,000 Hyundai, Kia and Genesis vehicles have been scrutinized at the ...
Automated software verification, traceability and standards compliance specialist LDRA has introduced the LDRA TBmanager Integration Package (TIP) for Dassault Systèmes’ No Magic Teamwork Cloud. This integration enhances model-based systems engineering, enabling engineers to perform low-level and high-level software requirements-based testing, which is essential for ...
A cost-effective solution for cabin noise reduction and aeroacoustics testing is now available from Bramble CFD. The new tool integrates Zenotech‘s advanced acoustic simulation technology into Bramble CFD’s platform. It enables full-car external aeroacoustics simulations for just £100 (US$126), delivering results in only ...
09:30时 – 17:00时
09:30时 – 17:00时
09:30时 – 15:00时