Neue Produkte Auf Der Messe

Day 1: Stähle displays its advanced driving robots

Stähle is displaying its advanced driving robots at the expo. These robots are designed to execute driving cycles optimally and repeatedly, regardless of the day, environment, or vehicle.

The performances measured according to SAE J2951 regulations are provided as calculated values for energy rating and driving index, ensuring traceable verification. In some regions, these driving robots are an integral part of the homologation process.

CEO and head of software and electrical engineering, Klaus Stähle, explained, “Using the Stähle Autopilot series with its tools and features that ensure the identical performance and parameter sets (ParaSafe) offers the possibility to have the same robotic driver ‘clone’ everywhere and even at the same time.

“This is of great benefit for homologation purposes [for ensuring] repeatable and identical performance in driving the same or similar test vehicle at different test labs of the OEM, associated testing provider or even certification authority.”

The driving robots address the specific requirements of EVs, including increased pedal sensitivity, higher dynamics and hysteresis for energy recovery. Having a custom-designed controller helps meet these needs, allowing for the repetition of various cycles in a loop. The company says this functionality enables testing of the vehicle under all states of battery charge or temperature over extended periods.

“Having repeatable and variable drive styles allows the development of robust and universal vehicle behaviors and powertrain calibrations with a focus on brand unique dynamic response, energy savings and range maximations”, Stähle, who is also directly involved in software development, added.

Additionally, the integration of the Hioki power analyzer and the capability to generate comprehensive test reports expand the application and usability of Stähle's testing solutions.

“Tests and reports can be executed by the robot directly in a compact and focused way without adding complex system architectures. This allows [customers] to upgrade and turn existing chassis dyno test cells into an up-to-date EV performance and EV range test facility,” Stähle added.

Visit Stähle at Booth 1314 to learn more about its driving robots.

Click here to register for your free expo pass.

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