Some of the New Products on Show

Torque sensor to meet the evolving demands of powertrain testing HBK

The automotive industry and its suppliers are experiencing shifts in powertrain concepts, creating a pressing need for dynamic test benches with rapid control loops and improved measurement accuracy for efficiency analysis. Therefore, suitable new measurement equipment is needed.

HBK’s latest T110 torque flange boasts an accuracy class of 0.03, coupled with innovative features that enable customers and users to maintain their competitive edge. Its capabilities are particularly suitable for operation in highly dynamic test benches, with a signal bandwidth reaching up to 15kHz.

The newly developed front end has enhanced the sensor’s resolution to the physical limits of strain gauge technology, delivering outstanding resolution in torque ripple measurements with minimal amplitudes during electrical motor testing.

The T100 torque sensor platform maintains a consistent stator size regardless of rotor dimensions, addressing a significant challenge for engineers while offering numerous advantages across various applications and industries.

It provides fast, secure and precise measurements. Due to new signal processing and compensation capabilities, the sensor’s intelligence reduces users’ workloads, allowing them to focus on essential tasks and accelerating market success.

Booth 8401

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