Finding the appropriate recirculating chiller for each specific battery testing application is a science that requires careful consideration and calculations. To simplify the topic, Julabo USA recently released an application note on recirculating chillers for automotive batteries.
As an example, the PRESTO highly dynamic temperature control systems work well for battery test procedures. Single-stage units can operate directly with automotive coolant to the test stand. Cooling capacities range from 1.2 to 25.8kW and heating from 2.3 to 27kW. In testing that requires high cooling power at -40°C, the PRESTO W91 and W92 provide 10.5kW at -40°C to a test stand requiring the use of a heat exchanger.
The new PRESTO W56x can use water/glycol (40:60) directly in applications with 2.3kW cooling at -40°C. All PRESTO units incorporate pressure control with an available remote in-line pressure sensor. For control of flow rate, the PRESTO line has a bypass accessory and multiple flow meter options.
All PRESTO models incorporate remote Pt100 sensor capability with RS232, USB, Ethernet (integrated ModBus) and optional analog communication for integration into external control systems.
Booth: 5044