Products On Show

New test facility
Millbrook Revolutionary Engineering Inc

The San Francisco Bay area is gaining a brand-new, independent and impartial test facility to support the development of electric vehicles. Millbrook Revolutionary Engineering’s new facility will enable it to offer more effective powertrain development support, create extra capacity, and enable rapid introduction of new powertrain test capabilities.

In addition to electrified drivetrain testing, the new facility will offer vehicle-in-the-loop capabilities and battery simulation to 1,000V DC and 1,200A DC peak. This will enable customers to perform complex integration testing and to validate electrified powertrain components, laid-out powertrains and electric vehicles. The facility is designed for maximum flexibility and will be equipped with high-speed motors up to 20,000rpm, allowing for tests of electric motors and inverters or standalone drivetrain components.

Booth: 7026

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